Monday, December 04, 2006

Yesterday was a new day.

Yesterday, I almost died, I thought I lost my camera for ever, yeah I am broke and don't have much money and at a time like this when you come to know that the only tool that makes you feel alive has been stolen is really like a stab right through your heart, But yesterday was the most wonderful day of my life because not only that I got my camera back but I also know that my friends are there for me :) … yeah a friend gave me a flickr Pro account :) .. And I am really happy ..

Ooh.. I did not tell ya how I lost and found my camera… well it was with me in a small handbag and I was in a party, it was more like a small gettogather and I left my hand bag on a couch, where a lady who is known for steeling things and is a distant relative of ours (well she is not actually related ) was sitting any how she had almost slipped in in her purse when someone noticed and rescued it.. I was home by that time and was really depressed and sad :( .. Which is when I went online and started talking to "I" and "S" , "I" gave me a lot of courage, even made me laugh , I felt really good while on another messenger window "S" also helped me out and made me realize that material items don’t really matter and then "S" did what I never thought any one would do for me :) .. Yeah She gave me a Flickr Pro .. And after that I forgot all the pain and I was happy that I have such good friends... this is when the power went out, as it was also raining and some time later I came to know that my camera (and my Mp3 player , yeah that was also in the same bag) is safe :) ..

The whole episode was a lesson, I have to be a bit more materialistic or I will continue providing almost free services to my clients, I also learned that I should make money where I can, and I also realized that unlike old days I now have friends who really care for me :) and I also learn that materialistic items don’t have much powers to make me happy but friends who really care for do :) ..

Thank you "S" :) for the most wonderful gift ever and thank you "I" for all the moral support

1 comment:

LoL said...

i'm glad you're happy!

:) x 100000000