Thursday, February 23, 2006

The #$%^$#% Motorcyclist !

Two days back at 2 PM my father was hit by a speeding motorcycle, the accident fractured his left Femur and he was brought home by a taxi driver. We took him to a hospital where he was X-rayed and diagnosed later he was transfused to another hospital where at about midnight he was successfully operated, he was discharged about 15 hours later and now he is on his way to recovery. Doctors have told him not walk for at least 3 weeks.

Motorcyclists in Karachi have become very threatening, They injure, and in some cases kill people, They Rob people off their cash and mobile, they show off dangerously overtaking and squeezing their way through small spaces between speeding cars and huge busses. They carry a their children and wife and sometimes they over load the small bike with more then 5 children and a lady all dangling from and holding on dangerously to the rider and the bike.
Why does the authorities allow this circus to continue it’s threatening and dangerous show on the roads of Karachi? I hope the Motorcyclists realize their responsibility and also I home that the authorities take strict actions against those who break the law… Yeah! I know I am hoping for a miracle, But all I can do is hope and pray.

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