Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Khalish !

An empty space has always been there in my life, I was a fool when I was young, I thought someday the sun will rise and it will make my wish come true, I waited for my father and when ever he was late I hoped he would bring that someone I wished so much for. As I grew up I started seeing that very someone in every good looking face, I never allowed my parents to know what I was thinking, I never gave them the slightest hint and controlled my expressions forbidding them to be visible on my face or in my attitude, people often took advantage of this but then I know how much of an advantage to give them.

Today I know the thing I hoped for is not that simple, people are never what they seem, No one can be trusted, Friends need money and good people don’t exist. After being Burnt, Stabbed, Kicked, Robbed and humiliated in all the ways possible I realize that there will never be that some one who I could call my sibling.

But sometimes I still hope ...

1 comment:

musafir said...

Saw your blog post while googling something today.
Here's something you might want to ponder. You feel the way you feel today because you are longing for something. If the longing is strong enough, you might be able to overcome it (that's the paradox), and then perhaps you will discover that the burning, kicking, stabbing is ok. You will be able to forgive and forget, because you shall have discovered something more substantial that gives meaning and verve to human life.
Get over your troubles. Get over yourself, only then will the real thing show up.