Sunday, September 24, 2006

Power breakdown

I don’t know if the electricity will remain available to complete this post, It started last night at around 3 am when the power went off, it was resumed at around 6:30 or something when is when I slept, I woke up at 11 and finished my morning cup of coffee by 12, which is when the power went off after six house of baking in the heat the electricity resumed at 6 and as soon as I switched my computer and went online it went off again for another 2 hours after which it came back for about 30 Minutes and went off again for another 2 hours. I had plugged in my mobile for charging in the morning when it was completely drained and I got it charged completely at about 10 at night.

Today after the first "Sehare" (Breakfast before the fast) I went online and they shut off the power for about 20 minutes but now the power is back and I hope it ramins this way.

I had composed an SMS for Ramadan greetings and in the haste have coppied and pasted the same to everyone I knew In Orkut. . The same message for every single person I know .. Looks weird. It's better to send nothing instead ..

It's 7: am. Now getting sleepy cause haven't slept the whole night ..

1 comment:

LoL said...

I miss blackouts. We had one in Toronto in 2002 (I think) and it was as if all hell broke loose. My most cherished memory of that incident was when in the middle of the night I snuck out of my house and walked to my school grounds where I lay on the concrete bench and just looked up at the sky. It was the most beautiful display of lights I had ever seen. There wasn’t a single patch of dark sky anywhere, just an endless array of stars in multiple shades of blue and green and silver. I witnessed my first shooting star that day.